Frequently Asked Questions

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What time commitment is required to successfully complete the Bootcamp training?
  • The course is comprised of a detailed learning manual, group discussion forums, along with the development and presentation of a business model canvas (1 page business plan).
  • All of these activities will take approximately 20 to 40 hours over the 6 weeks of the course.
What if I don’t have a business idea yet? Will I gain valuable knowledge?
  • If you have not settled on a business idea by the start of the course, select an idea that excites you to utilize through the course.
  • The process of starting a business is the same for all ideas, therefore, if you decide not to start the business idea you selected, you will have learned the details of a business start-up that can be applied to any idea.  
I am working full or part time, so I am wondering how I will fit the discussions and final presentation into my schedule?
  • Prior to the first day of the class, you will receive an email with the login and password to the course portal, as well as the course manual and schedule files.
  • The discussion forums are open 24/7 so you can post during the topic weeks at whatever time works with your schedule.
  • At the midpoint of the course, you will receive an email with optional dates/times to present your business model canvas (1 page business plan).
How does the 1 hour coaching session work?
  • During the course, you and the instructors will explore dates and times for your individual coaching session.
  • The coaching sessions can be scheduled during or after the 6-week course timeframe.
The application form asks for proof of Canadian Military Service, what is considered proof of service?
  • A copy of your military identification is required.
If I have other questions before deciding to enroll or anytime after I have enrolled, who do I contact?
What takes place during the 6 weeks of the course?

Since there are participants from coast to coast, we have designed the learning program with flexibility to align with the wide span of time zones.

The 6-week course is comprised of the following:

  • A web-conference call to meet your classmates and instructors (optional dates and times are available the week before the course begins).
  • Interactive discussion forums (you can post on your schedule during the specified weeks).
  • An individual coaching session with one of the instructors (by web conference). You and the instructors decide on a suitable date and time.
  • A web conference presentation of your business model canvas (optional dates and times are available).


How do I apply for the nonrepayable investment from Canadian Legacy Project?

Graduates of the Veteran Business Boot Camp can apply for a non-repayable investment into their business from the Canadian Legacy Project.

Graduates submit a video about their business, that defines their intended growth, potential for expansion, and potential to hire Veterans to the Canadian Legacy Project’s board of directors. Each year, two or three successful graduates are awarded funds through this competitive process.

Program graduates will receive an email in November with the application details.

How do I connect with Veteran Boot Camp graduates?
The Directory on the website, is where graduates can post their businesses. As many graduates are still developing their businesses, keep checking back.

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